CEO and Vice President Public Health
Anne DUBURCQ has been in charge of CEMKA’s Public Health department for several years. Its activity is mainly focused on evaluations of health actions, programmes and policies, as well as on evaluations of health networks, innovative devices and care pathways. Part of its activity also involves the design and implementation of observational pharmaco-epidemiological studies and epidemiological studies in the field of occupational health.
Nearly 25 years at CEMKA have enabled her to acquire solid experience and to implement diversified methodologies, both quantitative and qualitative or organizational. She has now carried out more than 180 studies in these different fields.
Before joining CEMKA (EVAL) in 1994, Anne DUBURCQ worked as a statistician and researcher in INSERM’s Unit 170, dedicated to epidemiological and statistical research on environment and health.
She is a graduate of ENSAE (Ecole Nationale de la Statistique et de l’Administration Economique). She also holds a DEA in Public Health, epidemiology option (University of Paris XI, Kremlin-Bicêtre) and the ECORISK diploma in the field of environmental risks (training coordinated by the Institut National de Veille Sanitaire, the Ecole Nationale de Santé Publique and EDF). She is also a member of the Association des Epidémiologistes de Langue Française (ADELF), the Société Française de Santé Publique (SFSP) and the Société Française d’Evaluation (SFE).