Pharmaco-epidemiology consists in studying the utilization of drugs and devices at the level of populations with the objective to characterize their patterns of use in real-life setting, French health authorities recently gave a major boost to these approaches by requesting post-listing studies to check the appropriate use of medicinal products, their effectiveness in routine practice and their risks.
CEMKA-EVAL has developed a comprehensive approach, integrating database analysis, protocol design and implementation of observational studies.
CEMKA-EVAL has a comprehensive CRO infrastructure for carrying out observational real world studies:
- Methodologists to provide the optimum design with respect to the study objective
- A Monitoring Department with project managers, CRAs and centralised management
- Quality and organisational procedures
- A call centre dedicated to these studies including a multichannel management
- Expertise in statistical analysis
- Medical writing
In addition, CEMKA-EVAL has an expertise in database analysis to supplement the information collected through observational studies and validate representativeness.
Key points
- A full-service CRO specialised in non-interventional studies.
- High-level methodological expertise in epidemiology, pharmaco-economics and biostatistics.
- Standardised procedures that guarantee optimum quality.
- Hundreds of publications in peer-reviewed journals.